Killing the Orphan Spirit
Do you know why you were created, why you have air in your lungs even now? I am convinced that reason is sonship, daughterhood. God the Father loved Jesus the Son so emphatically that creation burst into existence as a result. From before he ever said, “Let there be light,” to this very second right now, God has always had a reason for you. He wants you in his family, at his table, a son, a daughter. Using tools like rejection, loneliness, anger, frustration, isolation, jealousy, pride, and more, the enemy writes a narrative and whispers it into your ear so that every single moment of your life is viewed through the lens of that narrative, distorting your view of God the Father so you will never fully embrace who God is and who you are in him. The good news is that you were not created to be an orphan. You were made for sonship, for daughterhood and you have a brother in Jesus who not only died to cancel sin, but so he could offer you the opportunity to become again what, in God’s eyes, you’ve always been: family.

Battle: For Yourself, Your Marriage, Your Family
Don’t be mistaken, you are in a war. Wars have battles that determine who wins in the end. If we are going to win the war, we have to win the battles, battles like the battle for you, your marriage, your family. Satan is after families and as Jesus reminded us, to ravage the home, the strong man must be bound. You are the strong man and it is time you stand and fight the enemy, stop the attack of the enemy in your life, your marriage, and your family.Some battles can seem like David versus Goliath, but there is good news. Not only has Jesus already won the battle, you have the opportunity to have a God that is for you, a family that believes in you, a church that is there for you, and a calling that is waitingThis is a call to be everything you were created to be, first, a son of God, then a husband, a father, a man of God. This is a call to fight your flesh, to walk in the Spirit, and to stand in the face of an enemy that is bent on destroying you, your marriage, your family, and your purpose. You can win, and if you will learn to battle, you can.

What Do You Really Want?
If I were to ask you “What Do You Really Want,” do you know what it would be? For most people, it would depend on what aspect of their lives they were being asked about. With family, most people want a happy home, provision, a nice house, enough money in the bank to live comfortably. In terms of a job, perhaps they would say good pay, nice co-workers, doing a job that is meaningful. What about for yourself? Most people want to be content, to be at peace with the world around them. These are good things to pursue.What about with God? What do you really want from God? What do you expect from your relationship with him? When you pray, do you have a list of things you’d like God to get to? We spend so much effort in our lives chasing the things we want, and in many situations, that lifelong pursuit provides relief but not satisfaction. You can be happy, but do you have joy? You may have money, but are you rich? You may have calm, but is it filled with peace? There’s a difference.I’ve come to a conclusion, which is why this book exists. I want to share that conclusion with you because I want you to find what I’ve found out. The question isn’t “What Do You Really Want?” The question is, “God, What Do YOU Really Want?”

Walk Around Grace
Grace. What an amazing concept. Precious. It cost God everything, yet he gives it to us freely. But we’ve had a slight misconception of grace in that we’ve only made it about sin, salvation, and suffering. There is a side of grace that helps us live our every day lives, grace that helps us walk in God’s strength and not try to do everything out of our weakness. It is grace when we need it, grace to smooth the path, prepare the way, grace in trials, grace in circumstances. Grace that “refines our motion” so that we can be the most effective in our lives and in the ministry God has placed in us. It’s not just saving grace, not just situational grace. It is Walk Around Grace.

The Prayer Prompt Journal
Prayer is essential in the life of every Christian, however, prayer is one of the things people struggle with the most. It can be difficult to stop the world around us, find a quiet space, and pray. Because prayer can be difficult, we tend to find ways to streamline the process through things like devotionals, including the Prayer Prompt Journal. This journal contains a list of questions that help you focus on who God has been, who he is now, and who he will be in your life. Using a question as a prompt, you can spend time journaling your answer to that question, allowing you moments of insight where God speaks to you about your experiences, about what he is doing and wants to do in your life.The Prayer Prompt Journal is just a tool to help you develop your prayer time. Each question is designed to help you discover God’s character and to hear his voice. God has something to say to you today. The Prayer Prompt Journal can help you cut through the noise so you can listen.

FREE – Winning the War Against Sexual Immorality
Free contains the encouragement and advice given during countless advising sessions over the years, This information is biblical and practical and has been written to help you overcome sexual immorality in your life. It is also personal. I struggled with sexual immorality for many years, however God set me free, and by using the tools found within this book, I have been able to stay free. God did that for me, and he can do it for you. Freedom is possible and your last, “I’m sorry, God,” truly can be your last. You just need to ask yourself. “Are you ready to be set free and stay free?” This book will teach you tools to use and give you actions to take in order to be set free from sexual immorality and addiction. The second edition includes a study guide and a 10 day devotional! You don’t have to live under the guilt and shame of sexual sins. Be set free!

21 Days: Kickstart Your Prayer Life
Prayer is one of the most essential facets of the Christian life, yet it can also be something that is difficult to begin. However, once you begin, it is easy to see why prayer is so beneficial! This 21 day devotional is designed to help you kickstart your prayer life. Each devotional highlights a specific topic that will help you more effectively focus on connecting with God, and includes commentary on why each prayer topic is so important. This devotional also includes Prayer Pro Tips, which are short encouragements designed to help you keep your prayer life moving and to prepare you for common issues that arise while beginning a prayer time each day. Research tells us that a habit is created in 21 days. Let this devotional help you accomplish just that! Imagine, in 21 days, you could have the prayer life you’ve always wanted to have. Start today!